Thursday, September 22, 2011

An easy way to help the women of bigodi

Looking for a unique gift for a birthday, the holidays or an upcoming wedding. What about a beautiful handmade basket or necklace from Uganda. All the proceeds are sent back to Bigodi to assist with community projects. I can ship and I take all major credit cards, paypal, and personal checks. To see pictures of the crafts please visit, The link is also on the right hand side of this blog, under pictures. If you don't see a color or design that you like do ask, as I have many more pieces and may have just what you're looking for.

The baskets and jewelry are all made by members of the Bigodi Women's Group. This group of 115 members has been working together for 15 years to create beautiful works of art. To read more about this group please visit

I pay the women for the crafts when I order a shipment than all the additional proceeds are sent to the community for community projects. Currently, community leaders are still collecting funds to finish a desperately needed well for the 500 families that live in Bigodi. At the present time, women and children are still walking miles each way daily to get water.

Thank you for your continued support!

Two years and two months

It's hard to belive that I've been back home for two years and two months! It doesn't feel that I've been away from Uganda and my village of Bigodi that long. I think of the friends that I left behind in Bigodi everyday. In the morning when I let my shower run to get hot, I think of my friends and how they still have to walk miles to get water everyday for bathing, cooking, drinking and cleaning. When I drive my car to work, I think of my friends who ride their bikes and walk miles to work and home everyday. I especially think of my friends when I go grocery shopping and I have twenty alies of food to chose from while their choices are whatever they grow in their gardens. When I do to the doctor I think of my friends and their familes members who die from easliy treatable illness. Everytime Uganda comes on the news, I see my friends faces and my desire to return to Uganda/East Africa increases.

During the spring and summer, I was in a contest with Travlocity to win a trip to Tanzania to work on a womens entrpeurnership project. While I was one of the finalists, I was not chosen as one of the four winners. However, thank you all for your amazing support. I know I could not have become a finalist without your support. I ended up 9th based just on the votes which is amazing in a national contest!!!

I appreciate you all supporting my dream of returning to Africa as I know my work is not finished.Please let me know when you see travel and service opportunities here and around the world.